
Is it considered prejudice if I think that I am more of a person than a murderer? That I deserve a better life than a rapist? That isn’t prejudice. People should be able to be judged based on their actions. Your actions reflect your ethics. If you kill people for fun, then I will not respect you. No, we’re not equal. I’m twice the person that you could ever be. I’m a better person and there shouldn’t be anything wrong with me knowing that. Today, I listened to a “motivational speaker”. He sat there and told us that we cannot judge anyone based on anything, and that we need to see everyone in their basic human form. Yes, everyone is a person. I believe that there are levels or types of people. I’m twice the person that a criminal is. I believe this because I have potential. I have potential to be something great, to do something awesome with my life, while a murder has one potential: to rot in prison and waste our tax dollars and oxygen. Am I really supposed to accept that I am equal to that person?

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